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Hi, I'm Shaun Housden

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I am a producer specializing in interactive media and film from

Ontario, Canada.

My two loves in life have always been video games and cinema. Ever since I was 5 years old nothing ever sounded better than sitting in my room all day and night playing games and watching classic films. So logically when it came to my post-secondary education I chose a program that would fulfill both of these passions,

Brock University's Interactive Arts and Sciences Program.


Once I came to the IASC program, I learned how to do video editing, 3d modeling, video game theory among other things.  But it wasn't until my 3rd year that I truly found out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. In my 3rd year, I was forced to pick an area of concentration for our game project. Out of luck, I picked the first one that piqued my interest, Producer. While I thought that numerous excel sheets and planning wouldn't be my bag, the moment I saw our game boot up for the first time I knew this was the job for me. 


After graduating from my undergraduate program I felt it necessary to grow my skills further to be the best producer I could be. This meant improving my skill in areas that I had not focused on in my first degree, business and technology. And so I chose to attend Ryerson University's Master of Digital Media program (MDM). There I was able to study both new and growing technologies like VR, grow my business skills in areas such as entrepreneurship and marketing and finally have the freedom to make my final thesis something related to the field of video games.

Now that all that serious stuff is done with lets get to the fun part,

fun facts about me:

My Current Top 5 Games Of All TIme

My Current Top 5 Movies Of All TIme

Letterboxd Is My Life

Jays Fan For Life

Growing up near Toronto I guess its no wonder that my allegiances for baseball lay with the Blue Jays


Like my love of films and games it can all be traced back to one day when I was 8 years old and my father took me to my first Jays game.

My love for films means that I see a whole lot of them and that I love to talk to people about them.


So I share what I have been watching most recently on my Letterboxd account. Here you can see what I've been watching, what I rated it and more in-depth thoughts I had about the film.

Yoshi's Island (SNES - 1995)


Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA - 2004)


No More Heroes (Wii - 2008)


Alien Isolation (PS4 - 2014)


Super Mario Odyssey (Switch - 2017) 


Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)


Back To The Future (1985)


Shaun Of The Dead (2004)


Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)



© Copyright 2016-2020

 by Shaun Housden

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